Friday 3 October 2014


October 03, 2014 0

You know how I love my girls, SNSD, right? Well most of them but then looking at it now, I guess like most of girl or boy groups, things do happen behind the scene that we don't really get to see and so we imagine that things are perfect like they do on the show or on TV in general. Yeah, even when they show "behind the scene" stuff. That's still not it. 

Now, so if you're here to know what happened to Jessica, you're in a wrong page. If you want to know what I think about it, now we're talking. Okay I can't help it. Jessica Jung apparently started a business called BLANC and was fully permitted by SM Entertainment to do her thing. But then after confirming that the permission is still valid, days later, she was kicked out. Like, come on! I know it's not the first time this kind of thing happened in this company but hey!! (EHEM TVXQ). Just a side note though, Sica is not even my bias. 

Anyways, the girls also apparently talked about this issue altogether and even made Jessica choose between her business and her still being part of the group. She can't choose! You just don't let somebody choose between two important things. I know life is about choices but sometimes you can't really choose. She said that the business though is just launched a few months back and she can't back out of that because she already signed the contract and whatnot but also! She renewed her contract to be in the group as well so what now? She's legally allowed to do both right? 

Do I think that the girls betrayed her? I actually don't think so (much). I think they were somehow told to act such way. Or I don't know. Maybe they were really acting on their own. But you see, even for just "acquaintances", being together for so long, I don't think you would be able to do something such as not fighting for someone who you know is doing what can do her better. You know what I mean? But then again, our minds don't really operate the same. 

So yeah. I guess I just want to wish good luck to Jessica! And may her business be as huge as it can be so she can slap SME in their faces. 

Sakuragicho Escapade.

October 03, 2014 0
Sakuragicho Escapade.

Hola!! Just want to share with you what happened when we went to Sakuragicho. It was quite a short trip but then again, I had fun. Excuse my sun block studded face. I didn't know we're using flash photography here. Hahahaha

I went with my friend and she went with two of her friends and yeah at the end of the day, I gained two new friends. It's quite rude but to be honest, I don't quite remember their names. New friends nonetheless. 

I like how Europey this place is. Like to the point where it's confusing. It only looks Europey in this place. 

Titanic. I only called this place titanic because I don't really know what this ship is called. 

Selfie. Loves it! 

It's a pretty good spot for jogging as well because it's kinda huge. Wish I live nearby because girl! We all need I could use some of that. 

Sakuragicho at night is just breathtaking. Like, I can't even. It's like so wonderful and magical and even though there's not much to see, I can't imagine myself getting tired of it. 

The sunset even made this trip more wonderful. OMG can I just say one more thing? I think this is like the first time that I was able to take picture of the moon. In the past, even though how much I tried, it just won't happen. It just won't look moony as I would like it to be. So I'm really thankful that finally, I was able to take a picture of it. 

Who can say no to this? Seriously. Like, this is just so wonderful ain't it?

And this! I've literally just spent maybe like 4 hours in that place but it was worth the while. Until then,

Saturday 27 September 2014

Is Death Penalty the Answer?

September 27, 2014 0
Is Death Penalty the Answer?

It's a good thought but I would agree better if it's negated. Anyways, there's been a lot of fuzz and bad news circulating about The Philippines. 

I've read an article saying that Senator Sotto "reiterated" his call for the reimplementation of death penalty in the Philippines. I didn't know it was a thing. See, I think that's one of the things that is lacking in our government (I think). It seems like it only acts when it's already too late. But you see, not too late to save thousands of lives in the future. 

Do I agree on this?? BIG FAT YES!! Now he's saying that it's not like the suspect's gonna be sentenced the next day or something but I say that's debatable!! Not all crimes can't be solved overnight, right! But what if someone's caught in the act? Well before that, let me just enumerate the crimes that I think deserve to be punished by death. 


Murder though, if not admitted or like caught in the act can be a little hard to prove. There would be questions like, what if he/she is just a victim? I don't know. What I do know is that when caught in the act, or even if he/she admitted it, no more questions! Death should be punishable by death. Now most of you are probably saying that we shouldn't play God or whatever well tell that to the killer! Can I just say that while writing this, it seems like it's too familiar. I don't know if I have already blogged about this or I probably wrote about this on my high school or college paper. Anyways. It's always nice to reiterate. Yeah? 

Rape is easier to prove I guess. If a woman is violated, most of the time, it's identifiable. It leaves quite some trace. Blood, sperm, or like anything. When is rape a rape though? I personally believe that it is rape when permission is not given. So women should also be vocal about things. Like it may seem like they're not into it but doesn't make it clear and stuff, it doesn't work that way. If you don't want it, say you don't want it. If they insist, rape! And that's like in a social situation. With friends and aquaintances. If like forced by a stranger into it with like violence and stuff, it's definitely rape. Like STFU. If you pull a girl out of nowhere and do something sexual without her consent, rape! You get it, right? 

Drug use/abuse is no doubt quite traceable. Test that mothereffer's urine/hair/blood and then voila!! Also, ask where he/she got it then done!! Well, to be fair though, some people want to try drugs perhaps. Okay. I think it's not fair to kill some curious cats in this case. Maybe death on third offense? 

I don't know why I'm playing like a law maker here lol it's not that this would be the new rule but I'm just saying that I have a say on this and I'm not gonna shut up even though I know it wouldn't change a thing. I just hope people would be able to see this and think for themselves. That's all. See yah!